Learn how to nourish your body during or after cancer with exclusive trainings, live meetings, resources, and recipes that banish overwhelm. 

Cancer Simplified


join cancer simplified

If you want cancer nutrition advice that’s straightforward, freeing, and up-to-date, you’re in the right place.

  • You don’t want to spend hours going through courses, reading books, or interpreting scientific research
  • Whenever you search online for cancer nutrition advice, you usually just end up more overwhelmed and stressed
  • You don’t want to give up all the foods you love, but you want to be confident you’re doing all you can to reduce cancer risk/keep yourself strong
  • You feel unsure about who to trust, what to believe, and how to start seeing results fast
  • You want to stop obsessing about food choices, whether or not sugar feeds cancer, and if you really need to buy alkaline water…

Raise your hand if any of this rings true…

As a cancer survivor, you already have so much to handle emotionally and physically. Who wants to add more stress, responsibilities, and confusion?

Does the thought of navigating one more Google search on cancer nutrition sound like pulling teeth? Trust me, I hear you. 

A no-nonsense membership with bite-size videos and resources—for all stages and types of cancer.

Get simple guidelines on nourishing yourself during or after cancer, while leaving plenty of room for joy. 

Throw on a module, sit back, and learn on your own time. No need to spend days on courses, rigorous workbooks, or complicated science details.

Stop constantly worrying about recurrence or wondering if you’re eating the right things during treatment.

sign me up!

Build an easy, cancer-free lifestyle with Cancer Simplified

Build an easy, anti-cancer lifestyle with Cancer Simplified

sign me up!

Discover why there is so much conflicting information about cancer nutrition and be done with the nonsense once and for all.



A proven four-step framework
that makes cancer nutrition simple, effective, & gimmick-free

How it works

Learn how to eat more foods, prepare easy meals you actually enjoy, simplify grocery shopping, and feel confident you’re eating to reduce cancer risk.  



Master my 5 essential pillars to optimize your whole lifestyle for cancer risk reduction: nutrition, sleep, hydration, stress management, and movement. 

go beyond the plate


Step by step, you’ll introduce new lifestyle changes that help you reach your health goals. Building on one goal at a time allows you to maintain change for the long run.



Short and sweet video modules: You’ll go through the Essential Cancer Nutrition and Lifestyle trainings. This is my 5-pillar approach to reducing cancer risk/keeping you strong for treatment. BONUS content includes: weight loss, cancer metabolism, supplements, myth-busting, eating well during treatment, supporting your vital organs to reduce side effects, and mindset advice (that helps you reduce fears around recurrence!).

Whatʼs included in Cancer Simplified

Cancer answers within reach

Cancer nutrition answers at your fingertips

Direct access to me: For any of your quick and clarifying questions as they pop up! 
New monthly trainings on how to eat during/after cancer: In case you want to go deeper on your cancer nutrition knowledge. 
Guest trainings: Keep things extra fresh and inspiring! Learn from vetted experts across oncology and nutrition fields. Value: $1000 
Cancer Prevention Recipes shared each month: So you never wonder what to make. Value: $1200 
Optional community support in the premium membership: For an additional $47/year, join my client-only Facebook group where you get the pleasure of interacting with me and a group of superstar survivors. 

sign me up!

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Cancer prevention lifestyle video tutorial

Get 7 free months of membership access + a bonus 2-week cancer prevention menu!
(Value: $797)

Weekly nutrition resources including recipes, shopping guides, mocktails & exercise tips

Access to new trainings each month

Access to ask Nichole your quick questions

Cancel at any time with no cancellation fees

Community available for an extra $47/year

what's included:

$447 billed once


Premium Membership

join now

Cancer prevention lifestyle video tutorials

Weekly nutrition resources including recipes, shopping guides, mocktails & exercise tips

Access to new trainings each month

Access to ask Nichole your quick questions

Cancel at any time with no cancellation fees

what's included:

$97 billed monthly


Monthly Membership

You may have been told it takes thousands of dollars plus a complicated food and supplement regimen to reduce cancer risk. In reality? You can make impactful, easy nutrition and lifestyle shifts that don’t break the bank.


I love celebrating your wins! Read about what's possible on your nutrition journey from other Cancer Simplified members. 

Member Reviews


I created this space so you can set goals and make changes at your own pace. All with a simple, trustworthy resource that’s got your back. Because I bet you have goals to live a long life while feeling like YOU. 

You deserve to stop wondering how to eat as a cancer survivor 

sign me up!

I know there are other cancer groups out there full of covert and overt judgment and even toxicity. This membership is free of bullying, misinformation, judgment, or toxic positivity.

The vibe inside Cancer Simplified? Encouraging, supportive, fun, & fact based!


All value, no fluff. Because who wants to spend hours each week figuring out how to eat and exercise, let alone watching trainings? No intense course regimen or extra meetings you have to join. 


Itʼs the first step towards hitting your cancer nutrition & lifestyle goals, during or after cancer treatment.


You’ll get vetted information proven by the latest science. Each month, I add new trainings and update info to make sure your membership keeps up with the most current scientific findings.


Not only the ones that seem to get the most attention. Get support and guidance on all types, including: Bladder Cancer, Breast Cancer, Colon and Rectal Cancer, Endometrial Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Leukemia, Liver, Lung Cancer, Ovarian, Melanoma, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Pancreatic Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Thyroid Cancer & many more!


You want to go super deep into the complexities of cancer nutrition (Private Coaching or Group Coaching would be better for that)
You’re looking for high-level high support via 1:1 coaching or group coaching (learn about Private Coaching or learn about Group Coaching)
You want a list of supplements or herbs that “reduce risk” (this is not recommended and we talk about why inside!)

This isnʼt for you if…

You’re open to learning and implementing nutrition change without the gimmicks
You are highly self motivated and you take pride in holidng yourself accoutable
You’re in any stage of cancer (just diagnosed, during treatment, post-treatment, cancer prevention, or weight loss)
You want to build a lifestyle, not a quick fix
You want quick access to easy-to-implement cancer nutrition advice that doesn’t requires hours or days of your time and energy

This is perfect for you if...

There are no rules around which specific foods you absolutely have to eat. It is absolutely necessary that you honor any food allergy or intolerance that you have. I've had hundreds of clients as a Cancer Registered Dietitian & Coach who are vegetarian/vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, etc.

If you have specific concerns about your needs and whether the program is a good fit, please email nichole@theoncologydietitian.com.

What if i have allergies, diet restrictions or i am a picky eater?

You are free to cancel your membership at any time before your next billing period. When you cancel, you will continue to have access to the membership until your billing period is over.

What's the cancellation policy?

Due to the instant access to copyrighted materials and the downloadable nature of resources in the program, refunds will not be provided after purchase for any reason such as medical, inability to participate, accidental purchases, etc. as outlined in the Terms of Use.

You are free to cancel your membership at any time before the next billing period, but refunds will not be issued.

What's the refund policy?

I’ve got you covered! Every person has their own food preferences and routines and needs at different stages of treatments and beyond. I would not expect any of my members to have a one-size-fits-all approach to eating. Good news here, there are SO MANY foods to choose from (that are also safe to eat after cancer too!) I make sure that eating for cancer prevention and to optimize treatment outcomes tastes good, works for your specific preferences, and I don’t stop there - I make cancer prevention eating simple and achievable for you and your family from here on out.
Side effects lingering from treatment or current? More than one side effect at once to eat around? Triggered around certain foods after having a traumatic experience or side effect that impacted that food? No problem, I’m here to resolve all of that for you. I have been specially trained and have encountered all of these nutrition speed bumps with survivors just like you. I’ll get you through it and back to confident eating at meal times. Bottom line, I get you eating more foods with confidence no matter where you are in your cancer nutrition journey. I utilize science-backed nutrition solutions so you can enjoy food in your life, as you deserve! 

If you are wanting more 1:1 support, I would recommend investing in Small Group Coaching to get more support click here to learn more about Small Group Coaching.

Are nutrition needs both during & after treatment addressed?

Your "results" will depend on the work that you put in here! Like with any new goals we begin to implement in our life, there is no quick fix. During your time inside this jam-packed membership you'll begin to learn and use the tools, strategies and information you need to begin living your healthiest cancer prevention lifestyle.

Your results are dependent on your readiness to work on your new habits, your openness to letting go of the loads of misinformation you have been given since diagnosis (not your fault at all!), and the energy that you put in. Refunds will not be issued for any reason, as results of any kind are not guaranteed (as outlined in Terms of Use).

What kind of results can i expect?

Yes! About 25% of the members inside Cancer Simplified do have long-term weight loss goals. In the program you’ll learn to build food awareness and appreciation, not obsession or feeling guilt or shame about eating the foods you love. Yes, you can eat all your favorite foods and lost weight!

All of the tools and strategies presented in Cancer Simplified are essential for anyone pursuing weight loss with a better understanding of how to fuel their body in the best way possible! Weight loss can be an important prevention factor for many cancer types. If this is an important goal for you or others in the memberships, it is incorporated into the membership training. You are also given the detailed tools to calculate your calorie and macronutrient needs and are able to get these checked by the support team inside the private FB group. We focus on nutrition that benefits your overall health, cancer prevention, and balance, which can result in healthy weight loss.

Does this membership address weight loss goals?

Nope, this is different! The trainings, recipes, and support within Cancer Simplified are self-study (optional workbook included!) and do not include any private coaching. The modules within the membership are the exact strategies, tools and resources I use with my private and small group coaching clients.

And one of the most amazing parts of this membership is that you have access to a private community where you have direct access to me for questions. When private or group coaching spots open up, they are always offered to Cancer Simplified members first!

Is this the same as your private or group coaching?

This membership has been created to give you tools and guidance to meet you and your needs where you are at in your journey. You are not a cancer statistic nor can we expect your treatment experience to be completely the same as other survivors - a handout or “one-size-fits-all” menu or general website is not listening to you. That is how my programs are all different - we work on science-based cancer treatment and prevention goals that work for you so you can not only implement them in your life but keep implementing them to how you want to live!
The other major component of Cancer Simplified is using nutrition as a powerful tool. Oftentimes so many cancer nutrition websites, handouts, or books focus on what you should “take out”, what you should “keep away from” or other fear-mongering tactics. That won’t happen with me as your dietitian coach or in any of my programs. I’ll show you how to add in more food, add in more time for yourself, and add in movement that you love. You have options during and after treatment and showing you that powerful piece you get to use to feel your best - more FOOD!

How is Cancer simplified different?

The trainings are 15-25 minutes each so you can just sit down, watch a couple at a time, and get answers that you can implement right away.

I’ve designed this membership so it’s easy for you to learn what you need to know without adding extra work to your plate. This way, you can keep your focus on your treatment and your family. There’s no required workbook, no extensive course regimen, and no additional group meetings you need to attend. Just plug in a few trainings at a time, gain clarity, and keep the rabbit hole of "am I eating the right way after cancer?!" at bay. 

What are the PIECES OF TRAINING time commitments like?



The trainings are 15-25 minutes each so you can just sit down, watch a couple at a time, and get answers that you can implement right away.

I’ve designed this membership so it’s easy for you to learn what you need to know without adding extra work to your plate. This way, you can keep your focus on your treatment and your family. There’s no required workbook, no extensive course regimen, and no additional group meetings you need to attend. Just plug in a few trainings at a time, gain clarity, and keep the rabbit hole of "am I eating the right way after cancer?!" at bay. 

What's the time commitment like?



This membership has been created to give you tools and guidance to meet you and your needs where you are at in your journey. You are not a cancer statistic nor can we expect your treatment experience to be completely the same as other survivors - a handout or “one-size-fits-all” menu or general website is not listening to you. That is how my programs are all different - we work on science-based cancer treatment and prevention goals that work for you so you can not only implement them in your life but keep implementing them to how you want to live!
The other major component of Cancer Simplified is using nutrition as a powerful tool. Oftentimes so many cancer nutrition websites, handouts, or books focus on what you should “take out”, what you should “keep away from” or other fear-mongering tactics. That won’t happen with me as your dietitian coach or in any of my programs. I’ll show you how to add in more food, add in more time for yourself, and add in movement that you love. You have options during and after treatment and showing you that powerful piece you get to use to feel your best - more FOOD!

how is cancer simplified different?

Nope, this is different! The modules within Cancer Simplified are self-study (optional workbook included!) and do not include any private coaching. The modules within the membership are the exact strategies, tools and resources I use with my private and small group coaching clients.

And one of the most amazing parts of this membership is that you have access to a private community where you have direct access to me for questions. When private or group coaching spots open up, they are always offered to Cancer Simplified members first!




Yes! About 25% of the members inside TODC do have long-term weight loss goals. In the program you’ll learn to build food awareness and appreciation, not obsession or feeling guilt or shame about eating the foods you love. Yes, you can eat all your favorite foods and lost weight!

All of the tools and strategies presented in TODC are essential for anyone pursuing weight loss with a better understanding of how to fuel their body in the best way possible! Weight loss can be an important prevention factor for many cancer types. If this is an important goal for you or others in the memberships, it is incorporated into the membership training. You are also given the detailed tools to calculate your calorie and macronutrient needs and are able to get these checked by the support team inside the private FB group. We focus on nutrition that benefits your overall health, cancer prevention, and balance, which can result in healthy weight loss.

Does this membership address weight loss goals?



Your "results" will depend on the work that you put in here! Like with any new goals we begin to implement in our life, there is no quick fix. During your time inside this jam-packed membership you'll begin to learn and use the tools, strategies and information you need to begin living your healthiest cancer prevention lifestyle.

Your results are dependent on your readiness to work on your new habits, your openness to letting go of the loads of misinformation you have been given since diagnosis (not your fault at all!), and the energy that you put in. Refunds will not be issued for any reason, as results of any kind are not guaranteed (as outlined in Terms of Use).

What kind of results can i expect?



I’ve got you covered! Every person has their own food preferences and routines and needs at different stages of treatments and beyond. I would not expect any of my members to have a one-size-fits-all approach to eating. Good news here, there are SO MANY foods to choose from (that are also safe to eat after cancer too!) I make sure that eating for cancer prevention and to optimize treatment outcomes tastes good, works for your specific preferences, and I don’t stop there - I make cancer prevention eating simple and achievable for you and your family from here on out.
Side effects lingering from treatment or current? More than one side effect at once to eat around? Triggered around certain foods after having a traumatic experience or side effect that impacted that food? No problem, I’m here to resolve all of that for you. I have been specially trained and have encountered all of these nutrition speed bumps with survivors just like you. I’ll get you through it and back to confident eating at meal times. Bottom line, I get you eating more foods with confidence no matter where you are in your cancer nutrition journey. I utilize science-backed nutrition solutions so you can enjoy food in your life, as you deserve! 

If you are wanting more 1:1 support, I would recommend investing in Small Group Coaching to get more support click here to learn more about Small Group Coaching.

Are nutrition needs both during & after treatment addressed?



Due to the instant access to copyrighted materials and the downloadable nature of resources in the program, refunds will not be provided after purchase for any reason such as medical, inability to participate, accidental purchases, etc. as outlined in the Terms of Use.

You are free to cancel your membership at any time before the next billing period, but refunds will not be issued.

What's the refund policy?



You are free to cancel your membership at any time before your next billing period. When you cancel, you will continue to have access to the membership until your billing period is over.

What's the cancellation policy?



There are no rules around which specific foods you absolutely have to eat. It is absolutely necessary that you honor any food allergy or intolerance that you have. I've had hundreds of clients as a Cancer Registered Dietitian & Coach who are vegetarian/vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, etc.

If you have specific concerns about your needs and whether the program is a good fit, please email nichole@theoncologydietitian.com.

What if i have allergies, diet restrictions or i am a picky eater?



Frequently Asked Questions

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$447 billed yearly


Yearly Membership

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$97 billed monthly


Monthly Membership

Confidence at all meal times = your new normal!


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