Get to know the oncology dietitian

Meet your on-call
cancer nutrition
myth buster

Hey, there!

As if nutrition wasn’t tricky enough before your diagnosis, cancer brings its own set of challenges. Suddenly, foods you used to love don’t agree with you anymore. Or you’re struggling with a loss of taste or smell. You’re probably second-guessing your every move because you’re afraid you might “get it wrong.”

Nutrition doesn’t need to be this hard. You don’t need to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. You deserve to feel validated, seen, and supported. You deserve to get the real nutrition science. Plain and simple. 

Letʼs put the food back on your plate so you nourish your mind and body while enjoying life the way you deserve to.

You've Got enough on your mind

It’s never too late (or too early) to make lifestyle changes that reduce risk of cancer. As a registered dietitian who specializes in oncology and has supported thousands of cancer survivors in my programs over the past 4 years, I am confident we can get you to feeling and living your best life with those changes.

I know you may feel like you have been up against so much conflicting information about how to eat after cancer and just want answers once and for all. You feel like everyone keeps telling you something different. You are not alone - this is the #1 concern for cancer survivors getting support with their nutrition, they are not sure who to trust. With all the seemingly endless nutrition controversy then add on social media influencers and gurus, this makes sense! The advice you get can leave you feeling downright lost and bummed out. That is where I am different as not only is it my mission to help you understand the science, normalize eating foods you love and bust through all the myths on the market but you get the up to date facts without bias. As your registered dietitian we work together and you and I decide the best path to cancer prevention that works for you as we consider the facts! Let’s get you eating well and enjoying nourishing your body while you get a NED (no-evidence-of-disease) from your doc in the process!

After working for over 12 years with cancer survivors, I can tell you I’ve seen it all.

Regardless of the type of cancer or environment where I’m working with my clients, I can tell you one thing for certain: flexible food choices matter for all cancer survivors- mentally and physically. Feel free and knowing which foods will make you feel your best and give you the power to improve your quality of life and reduce risk, regardless of your stage of cancer.

Since starting my own practice, I’ve helped hundreds of survivors control nutrition and live a healthier lifestyle than before their diagnosis. Time and time again, I’ve seen my clients find the freedom to go out for dinner with their friends again, return to the gym with newfound strength, and find the energy to play with their family in the park again. Now, it’s your turn!

Iʼm Nichole, Oncology Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Good sleep gives your body a chance to regulate hormones, recharge, & heal from stressors of the day. This all does wonders for daily functioning, mood, energy, & hunger. That said, i know it can be tricky to get enough shut eye after cancer. But, with the right strategy, it’s possible.

Sleep and rest

Stress management is a critical piece of the puzzle. Using cognitive-processing techniques, journaling, reflective mantras, and more, you’ll learn how to reduce stress and give yourself the self-care you deserve.

Self care and stress management

Your body’s fuel! With science-based education, you can enjoy all foods with confidence and dine out without worrying about what’s on your plate.


My simple steps to hydrating more will help to improve skin, digestion, sleep quality, cognition, and mood—all areas impacted by cancer treatment.


I know exercise can be daunting as a cancer survivor. I take the pressure out of it and help you integrate mindful movement that fits your personal goals. You’ll build strength, increase your energy, and enjoy the stress-free process.

Exercise & Movement

Yes, I’m a dietitian, but that doesn't mean we only
look at food. I use a five pillar approach to help you
develop cancer prevention lifestyle habits across the
board. It’s all connected! When these five pillars work
in harmony, the results can be life-changing.

Yes, I’m a dietitian, but that doesn't mean we only look at food. I use a five pillar approach to help you develop cancer prevention lifestyle habits across the board. It’s all connected! When these five pillars work in harmony, the results can be life-changing.

Five Pillar

Meet my signature

You should pencil cancer prevention nutrition into your life. Not the other way around!

In other words, healthy habits must be enjoyable too. Restrictive diets are not realistic (even impossible) to maintain long term. And, frankly, they’re designed to set you up to fail because they don’t teach you how to eat, or why you need to eat a certain way. They’re based on restrictive rules that have nothing to do with science-based practices for cancer prevention nutrition. Big candy person? Awesome! Nacho aficionado? It’s all good, friend!

Moderation and balance is the golden ticket. Forget about cutting out whole food groups just because some IG influencer told you to. If you love a certain food, I'll show you how to include it in your diet—and feel good about it! 

Balance over restriction.

Can you starve your cancer? Is zero sugar the secret to cancer prevention? Do microwaves cause cancer? Are GMOs the enemy? Are bread, pasta, and rice totally off limits?

Hard no. But all that is just the tip of the iceberg.

As your dietitian, I help you bust through the cancer and nutrition myths circulating the Internet. That means I never recommend fad diets, products, or supplements that aren’t supported by scientific research.

When questions come up (trust me, they will), I dive into the research and present it to you in a user-friendly way. You can breathe a sigh of relief - you’ll get lightning fast research that’s easily digestible so you can be a partner in the research process. We use all of that information to set realistic goals and develop a plan that works. No “opinion-based” education here. 

Facts. Not fads.

I know how confusing and overwhelming it is when you have to try to decipher advice from a sheet of paper. So you turn to the Internet to try to get some clarity and wind up more confused than where you started. You need personalized, fact-based information that’s easily and immediately implementable into your life. What you don’t need? More vague information that doesn’t address your unique concerns.

I branched into private practice so I could help cancer survivors like you get the individualized results you deserve. I meet you where you are right now and guide you every step of the way. In my coaching programs, we go beyond the plate. I know that stress can affect the way you eat. You deserve to feel supported with food and beyond so you can nourish your body and mind throughout this process. I don’t just see you throughout treatment and wish you well as you move on to the next solution. I’m your trusted confidante throughout the entire journey, as long as you need me.

In other words, you get the tailored advice you need not a cookie cutter diet. Together, we’ll address your unique challenges and your biggest cancer prevention goals. You’ll conquer grocery store anxiety, end information overwhelm, and finally feel like “yourself” again. 

Health doesn't come from a handout.

We'll look at the full picture

Decreased weight loss
Improved confidence in food choices
Reduced anxiety & fears around food choices
Quicker recovery post treatment

Better treatment attendance
Improved quality of life
Reduced risk for recurrence
Improved tolerance to treatment
Reduced treatment breaks
Decreased muscle loss

Studies show that working with a dietitian during and after treatment yields: 

Plus, research shows proactive nutrition is what leads to the most successful cancer survivor—both during and after treatment. 

All professionals have their expertise - mine is cancer nutrition, which is the key supporter to keeping you strong during, and after, treatment. I know how overwhelming and confusing it can be to speak to your medical team about your nutrition needs. When we sit down together, we’ll take generalized advice like, “eat a balanced diet” and instead - figure out exactly what that looks like for you.

Each client is different, so each diet pattern should be different. As your cancer dietitian, I help you develop a plan tailored to your individual experience and cancer type. I also help you navigate any new food issues should they arise, I keep you on track with your nutrition goals and avoid any food stressors.

Excellent question!

Why work with a dietitian as a cancer survivor?

Sugar DOES NOT feed cancer.
You can eat meat after cancer.
Alkaline diet is a myth; there is no way to change blood ph.
You do not have to buy organic.
You can reduce risk for cancer without any supplements.
You do not have to go vegan after cancer.
Carbs are not the enemy! You need them for fuel.

Of course, there’s more where that came from...

Sugar DOES NOT feed cancer.
You can eat meat after cancer.
Alkaline diet is a myth; there is no way to change blood ph.
You do not have to buy organic.
You can reduce risk for cancer without any supplements.
You do not have to go vegan after cancer.
Carbs are not the enemy! You need them for fuel.

Of course, there’s more where that came from...

Cancer Myth Busting!

Lightning round

Alyson Reil

Before working with Nichole, I had just finished treatment for breast cancer and I was trying to be more physically active. I had low energy and fears around food and didn’t have anyone to help guide me through that. I reached out to a couple other nutritionists but they just offered to print out some materials for me or to do one zoom call. There was nothing personalized about it. When I eventually did the first consultation with Nichole, we instantly clicked. Right away, I could tell it was going to be a very personalized experience. I wish I had known her when i was going through treatment too!

My overall health has seen a huge change. I’ve had some healthy weight loss, and I now have better energy, better sleep, and better moods. She has also helped me bring exercise into my routine which I was nervous about post-surgery. Nichole has taught me so much about using food first instead of supplements. She’s helped me understand why my body needs certain nutritions and has taken the fear away that I’ll get it wrong. She has always told me that every food can fit into my life. She has helped me understand the bigger picture so i can use food as something to make me feel amazing, be healthier, but also just enjoy my life.

Basically, Nichole is my biggest cheerleader and she’ll be yours too. She listens to you, validates what you’re feeling, and makes sure your voice is heard.

“My overall health has seen a huge change.”

Rissa Dodson

Nichole is a true cheerleader. She really gave all the support and knowledge I didn’t know I needed.

I had been looking for an oncology nutritionist for a while, even while I was going through chemo. My surgeon gave me a referral but most of the dietitian information from the cancer centres are one size fits all. I needed help with my specific situation and hands-on support, not just general nutrition information.

Then I found Nichole. Bit by bit, she has helped me incorporate foods back into my diet and rekindle my love for cooking and eating. She’s shown me how to start small, which is what leads to real progress. Since working with her, I can now go out with friends and just enjoy a nice meal, which was my ultimate goal. It has been amazing to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables back into my system because they were so rough on my system for a long time.

Nichole hears. She doesn’t just listen. She has a truly lovely way of mirroring back what you say and showing you the pressure you’re under, then providing a solution based on that. It was such a blessing to be heard and to be seen. There wasn’t any finger-wagging, it was always about finding the positive and celebrating my wins in a genuine way.

"Since working with Nichole, I can now go out with friends and just enjoy a nice meal, which was my ultimate goal."

Discover Group Coaching

Discover 1:1 Coaching

It’s time for nutrition to be more accessible. It’s time for you to use food as a tool and to enjoy eating! It’s time to find ease and confidence to feel your best. If you’re ready to gain more control of your nutrition and tackle your prevention goals, I would love to chat with you!

Let’s pencil cancer into your life instead!

You don’t have to fit your life around cancer.

The complete guide to cancer prevention nutrition and lifestyle. Regain your energy, support your healthy cells, and feel completely confident around food and mealtimes while reducing cancer risk!

Sugar Does Not Feed Cancer

Order my #1 bestselling book!

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