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You received a nutrition handout from your medical team… awesome! But, now what? This Self Paced Course eliminates the confusion by helping you to find the right foods to eat that support your health RIGHT NOW during your treatment. You’ll finally feel excited to eat again because you’ll know exactly what to eat without worrying about whether or not it’ll make your cancer worse. What’s even better? You’ll be laying the groundwork for a path to healing on your terms.

Inside you’ll learn the best fact-based information to help you eat your food with confidence… including your favorites that you thought were off-limits. Consider this your ticket to healing, gaining muscle, immunity AND energy.

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Sustainable daily nutrition plans
Strategies to increase daily stamina
Options to include a wider variety of foods
Interactive printable weekly workbook
Self-paced modules
Thoughtful questions and prompts to guide your education
SMART goal-setting weekly

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Watch the modules at your own pace and use the workbook that’s included to follow along! You’ll be able to continue the work by setting SMART goals that support your health and wellness!

Tag Nichole on Instagram @oncology.nutrition.rd to show us your favorite lifestyle tips in action!

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This is not a diet and should not be used in place of a doctor’s recommendations

This course is designed to be used in conjunction with a cancer prevention lifestyle, but can also be used for survivors currently in treatment

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product overview


The Power of Nutrition: Self Paced Course

© nutrition with nichole LLC 2021  |  policies & disclaimers  |  SITE & BRAND BY HELLO MAGIC STUDIo